Brick Mode is an iMessage auto-reply you can turn on whenever you go phone-free.



How it works:

When your phone is in Brick Mode, anyone who texts you will get an auto-reply saying you're not on your phone. This relieves a lot of the pressure of today's always-on lifestyle, because you'll know anyone who texts you knows that you haven't seen their message yet. Then when you get back to your phone, you'll be less likely to feel behind on all your texts. And anyone that reaches out to you knows that you won't be getting back to them immediately, which is much more pleasant than wondering if they're being ignored.

Brick Mode in action:


Step-By-Step Instructions:

You can copy and paste the message below:

Sorry! I'm in Brick Mode to fully enjoy the real world. 📵😎 I’ll see this when I’m back at my phone. Join me: 📴💫


Want more? Read an article from our founder here about how Brick Mode significantly improved his life.