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5 Things You Can Do Right Now Instead of Staring at Your Phone

Scrolling through your phone may feel good in the moment, but it can quickly become too much of a good thing.

With infinite opportunities for instant amusement, it’s all too easy to spend the day and night scrolling away without getting much in return. Over time, all the memes and comments blend together, and you may find it takes a toll on your mental health the longer you use your phone. Side effects can vary from depression to anxiety, low self-esteem, and even alcoholism and drug addiction.

While phones can certainly be useful, you owe it to yourself to incorporate new activities into your life to enhance your mental health and break the monotony of the day. Anything from reading to walking can increase positivity and reduce stress, and less time spent on your phone will also help to improve your overall mood. Here are the five best things you can do right now to stop staring at your phone and take control of your mental health today.

Read a Physical Book

Even though both involve reading, reading online posts or short comments is very different from reading a physical book. Reading a physical book can reduce stress, help you fall asleep in the evening, and maybe even teach you something. One of the reasons is that a book, whether fiction or nonfiction, requires more attention and a longer time commitment than scanning headlines online. Your brain is more focused both on the given page and on the long-term information presented in the book.

If it’s been a while since you’ve read a book, you may find that your eyes and mind start skipping around after a few pages. This is actually normal for those who read mostly online, and it’s likely due to how the internet changes the way we process information and even how our eyes physically move. Don’t worry though, as you make your way through the pages, you’ll find that you can get back in the habit of reading very quickly.

Some of the main benefits of reading a book include:

  • Increased attention span

  • A greater understanding of a given topic

  • Increased creativity

  • Lessened anxiety

  • Increased self-esteem

Enjoy a Short Walk

Stepping outside and walking without your phone in hand is a great way to take a break from the stress and chaos of the online world. Even just a 15-minute walk can calm your mind and relax your body, and it will help you remain focused throughout the day as well. When you’re on your phone, you’re likely jumping from topic to topic which can lead to cloudy thinking and stress over time.

When you go out for a walk, try to focus purely on your physical surroundings whether it’s a gentle breeze, the sounds of birds, or all of the other sights and scents around you. Clear your mind, center yourself, and truly live in the moment without digital distractions. The mental health benefits of doing so are tremendous from decreased stress and anxiety to a healthier body and mind in general. Whether you walk for an hour in the forest or simply a few blocks in your neighborhood, going on walks is one of the best things you can do for your mental health today.

Write Something

Writing is another wonderful way to relax and get your creativity flowing. Even if you’re used to writing short Tweets or posts online, writing offline can be very beneficial as you're forced to focus on the task without online distractions. Some of the immediate benefits include reduced stress, heightened creativity, and an increase in confidence and self-esteem.

Sitting down solely to write is much different than writing posts online, and it's a great way to focus on yourself and your own creativity. It also requires you to plan beyond just a paragraph or two, and you'll likely feel relaxed and positively engaged as you settle into it. While typing on a laptop is perfectly fine, writing by hand may be more beneficial since it helps you avoid the temptation of surfing the web. Plus, you can enjoy the tactile feeling of holding a pen and paper. Write about your day, about dreams you’ve had, or plan a story with new characters and plots. Even a small amount of writing each day can give you a much-needed break from your phone and help you to unwind, focus, and improve your mental health.

Cook a Nice Meal

Cooking is such an important skill, but it’s often one that many people neglect due to the ease of takeout and delivery. If you’re used to cooking your own food, look for new recipes from different cultures to spice things up and take time away from your phone. If you’re new to cooking, you can start small with very simple dishes like pasta and homemade garlic bread.

The physical benefits of cooking are huge, including healthier meals without excessive sodium plus the ability to control portions. There are also many mental health benefits as well since cooking can improve multitasking, focus, and possibly even reduce anxiety and depression just like any other hobby/ activity.

Break the Monotony and Go Somewhere New

Staring at your phone is often the easiest choice throughout the day. It’s familiar, always available, and instantly entertaining. Over time, it can become a trap that makes your world feel smaller, and constantly scrolling at a fast pace is a recipe for anxiety. Luckily, the perfect cure is as simple as going somewhere new in your area, whether it’s a new cafe, park, or even just walking down a different street.

Going to new places, even if they’re nearby, is a great way to reconnect with your town and expand your world. Something as simple as walking into a new store or driving down a different street can go a long way in breaking habits and getting you out of a rut. The most beautiful thing is that once you venture out a bit further, you’ll find yourself exploring more and more until it’s second nature for you.

Breaking the monotony of the day will keep you from falling into bad habits and will help to minimize your time online. This tip can make a huge difference in your life whether you’re simply bored or suffering from anxiety or addiction. Of course, in the case of addiction, it’s best to work with professionals at a detox center so you can safely recover, but all of these tips will help you on your journey afterward. By reducing your time on your phone, you’ll find that you regain clarity along with a more even temperament and likely way less stress than before. So put your phone down, try something new, and enjoy the mental health benefits today.

Sources - Excessive Smartphone Use Is Associated With Health Problems in Adolescents and Young Adults - The Reading Brain in the Digital Age: The Science of Paper versus Screens - The Mental Health Benefits of Reading - 8 Great Reasons to Walk More - Writing Can Improve Mental Health - Here's How - 8 Health Benefits of Exploring New Places - Alcohol Rehab in Austin, Texas